Practice Nights

Practice Nights in East Cheshire Branch

The two tables below show the practice nights for all of the towers in our branch. However, there are a few qualifications:

Webmaster's Warning: The information in the table is currently being updated. 

Two Views of Practices in East Branch

The grid below allows you to choose the number of bells and the practice night. If you then click on a particular tower, it will open up the Dove's guide entry. If you're interested in the contact details for a particular tower, please look them up on the Contacts page. Only nine towers are shown at a time, so to scroll to the next or previous set, click on the > or < in the upper right corner of the directory. Note that the towers are also colour coded - white boxes for 6 bell towers, a pale blue for 8 bell towers, a pale indigo for 10 bell towers, and a pale deep purple for our only 12 bell tower. The shadings are very subtle, but obvious once you have seen them. The first nine churches are either 6 or 8 bells, and the next nine churches are either 8, 10 or 12 bell towers. So if you look at the first two pages of the listing, you'll see the differences. If you want to print any directory entry, just click on the three vertical dots in the upper right and then click on Printer.

The table at the very bottom of this page is a sorted list of towers. The sorting sequence is as follows: Practice Night, Number of Bells, and Weight of the Tenor. So, if you wanted to ring on a Thursday, go down the list until you see Thursday. Then decide how many bells you want to ring [the next column] - you have a choice of three 6 bell towers, five 8 bell towers, and one 12 bell tower. Finally, within each of those categories, the towers have been sorted according to the weight of the tenor. This is a handy table to keep in your pocket or diary, as it tells you the practice night and times for all the towers in the branch. For that reason, this table is also available as a single sheet of A4 that you can fold up and stick in your wallet. Click here to download it.

Sorted List of Towers

[Sorted by Practice Night, Number of Bells, and Weight of the Tenor]